
Hydroxycut Could Cause Liver Failure Says FDA

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Day 56/365 - Hydroxycut by size8jeans from FlickrHow many people have to get sick from a product before the FDA has the right to shut them down? Apparently at least 23, including one death.

The FDA has received 23 reports of serious health problems ranging from jaundice and elevated liver enzymes, an indicator of potential liver injury, to liver damage requiring liver transplant. One death due to liver failure has been reported to the FDA. Other health problems reported include seizures; cardiovascular disorders; and rhabdomyolysis, a type of muscle damage that can lead to other serious health problems such as kidney failure.

“The FDA urges consumers to discontinue use of Hydroxycut products in order to avoid any undue risk. Adverse events are rare, but exist. Consumers should consult a physician or other health care professional if they are experiencing symptoms possibly associated with these products,” said Linda Katz, M.D., interim chief medical officer of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Hydroxycut is doing a recall and are pulling all of their products off the market. It gives me the impression that they are trying to make it look like there were tainted with an impurity. How long will it take before we all stop buying pills that promise to make us lose weight? Is losing a liver an acceptable risk in order to lose a few pounds? You can’t live for more than 48 hours without a liver. Are you really willing to risk that?


One Response to “Hydroxycut Could Cause Liver Failure Says FDA”

  1. angela Says:

    I can’t believe diet pills can get on the market without approval to begin with. Anything that goes in our bodies should get regulation of some kind.

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