
How to Use Nike+ on ANY Type of Shoe

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Shoe Pocket for Walkers, Runners, Cyclists & Travelers That Easily Carry Cash, Id, Keys & Credit Cards While on the Go.This handy little gadget solves the Nike+ problem. If you don’t want to spend 100 bucks on a pair of shoes that might hurt your feet on long runs, you have another option: The Shoe Pocket.

For ten bucks, you can use this velcro shoe wallet to hold the Nike+ sensor with room to spare for a house key, identification and a credit card. Suddenly, the Nike+ iPod trainer looks like something I’d be willing to spend my hard earned money on.

Since the Nike+ sensor is an accelerometer, not a pressure sensor, it should work in the Shoe Pocket. Other people have tried it and say it works great. I’ve ordered both and I’ll give you my full review after I’ve had some time to play with them.

Idea Via: Use the Nike + iPod Sport Kit on any shoe with help from a Nike accessory – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)


Question of the Week: Family Matters

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Over the weekend, I wrote about a correlation between my bingeing and nail-biting issues and my grandmother. Our family members are tremendous influences on how we feel about our bodies.

What is your first memory?

Were you fat as a child?

If you were, how did you realize that you were fat? Did the kids at school tell you? Did family members tell you? How did your parents or other authority figures treat you?

Do you consider yourself fat now?

When did you decide that you were fat?

Are you fat just because you decided that you were?

Could it all just be a lie? Maybe you’re NOT fat. Is that possible? What do your family members say now?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


I Don’t Bite My Fingernails Anymore – Part 3 of 3

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Read Part 1Read Part 2

My grandma was insane about how “fat” I was. She was insane about my fingernails. Until about three years ago, I had hangups about my fingernails. I felt guilt every time I bit them, but it didn’t stop me. The only thing that stopped me from biting my fingernails was artificial nails. After four years of having them, I removed them and found out that I no longer needed to bite.

What happened? Can I get over my food issues the same way?

  • I couldn’t bite my nails: With artificial nails, I couldn’t bite my nails. There was no possible way to do it. I couldn’t even bite the artificial nails because they were so thick. I could bite my cuticles, but doing that too much hurts.

  • I got out of the habit of biting: Instead of biting my nails when I was nervous, I would click them against each other (an entirely DIFFERENT irritating habit). I eventually stopped that also. The most important part was that I COULDN’T bite, so I got out of the habit.

  • When I stopped wearing artificial nails, I didn’t go back to biting: I suppose that there was a moment when I could have picked up biting my nails again. For all I know, I will always be at risk for biting, but I didn’t. I click my nails together every once and awhile, but I am continually shocked at how easy it is for me to grow long fingernails without even trying.

What if I could stop bingeing just like I stopped biting?

It’s not like my bingeing behavior is any more psycho than my history with nail-biting and my grandmother. What if I could just stop bingeing and never pick it up again? What if I could just look down at my body and be continually shocked at how easy it is for me to stay thin?

How would I do that?

I have no idea, but for once in my life, I KNOW that I can beat bingeing and never go back to it. I KNOW that I can have a thin and healthy body without writing down every morsel of food that goes in my mouth. I KNOW that I can have an indifferent relationship with food.

For once in my life, I KNOW…


I Don’t Bite My Fingernails Anymore – Part 2 of 3

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Laura Lund 1973Read Part 1 of “I Don’t Bite My Fingernails Anymore”

Just in case you thought that my grandmother didn’t have as many hangups about fingernail biting as she did about fat little girls, I present you with this faded photograph. This is me in 1973. Unlike many of the photographs taken of me, I remember the day this one was taken. My grandma had taken me to a REAL photographer to have my picture taken. That purple-striped shirt was brand new because I had gotten too “fat” for my other clothes.

The photographer put a box in front of me and placed a baby blanket on it. I remember thinking that I wasn’t a baby anymore, so I shouldn’t have a baby blanket in my picture, but I didn’t say anything. He placed my arms on the box and I remember looking at my fingernails. I was so proud that I had been able to stop biting them for long enough for them to grow for the picture.

My Very Proud Fingernails by Laura Moncur 1973

I was four years old.

Tune in tomorrow to read the conclusion of “I Don’t Bite My Fingernails Anymore.”


I Don’t Bite My Fingernails Anymore – Part 1 of 3

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

My grandmother was obsessed about my weight. It was as if my body was somehow hers and any extra fat cells were a failure on her part. My first memory of her is an argument she had with my mother about my girth and what she thought they should do about it.

Second only to my weight, she hated that I bit my fingernails. It disgusted her that my fingers were always in my mouth and she thought that I would never be a proper lady if I didn’t learn how to stop biting my nails and cuticles.

Eight years ago, I became a real estate agent. I donned the full real estate uniform, including the artificial nails. I wore artificial nails for about three or four years. I had those perfect hands that my grandma always wanted me to have and all I had to do was pay 20 bucks every two weeks for them.

When I quit real estate, I removed the real estate uniform, including the artificial nails. A funny thing happened, though. My real nails grew.

My real nails grew like they had never grown before. I would trim them and look down a week later and they were long again. If a nail broke, I would trim them all the same length to match and within a week or two, I had talons again. I wasn’t manicuring. I wasn’t painting, but after four years of having the hands that my grandma said that I SHOULD have. I had them. WITHOUT EFFORT.

Even now, I look down at my hands and my unmanicured nails are longer than I could have ever achieved before.

My Unmanicured Nails by Laura Moncur 07-14-06

I don’t bite my fingernails anymore.

Tune in tomorrow to read Part 2 of “I Don’t Bite My Fingernails Anymore.”

Nike: Tune Your Run

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Nike has finally fixed its online ordering so you can order the iPod Tune Your Run shoe pod and iPod controller without buying the very expensive shoes that may or may not hurt your feet

The pod is still designed to go into a special slot in the Nike shoes and won’t be easy to use with the shoes that really work for your run, but I’m sure there is some way to make it work. For $29, it’s a lot less expensive than some of the Polar alternatives.

For More Information:


Scott Adams Defends Fat Acceptance

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

Scott Adams is the artist responsible for Dilbert. He also regularly writes a blog. This entry talks about a massage he received from a very large woman in Reno.

Before explaining his uncomfortable massage, he explained that he wasn’t making fun of the woman because she was fat.

Let me be clear that I do not approve of making fun of overweight people. Those that mock the hefty are delusional because they believe in the superstition of will power. They believe that some people have a lot of this non-existent will-power substance whereas overweight people have less of it.

I believe that will power is an illusion. Overweight people simply get more enjoyment from food than thin people do, at least relative to their other pleasure options. If I liked food more than I like playing tennis, I’d be the size of a house. Will power never enters into it.

Some people are larger than others. Deal with it.

He has a point. It seems that people who are offended by overweight people tend to believe that being overweight is some sort of moral failing. Then again, the human body has such a wide variation that some people are just physically larger than others. We just need to accept this.

Being fat is NOT a moral issue. It might not even be an aesthetic issue. Being fat just is. It’s not bad and it’s not good. It’s just a fact.

Being fat isn’t set in stone either. The beauty of our bodies is that we can sculpt them. We can change the shape. We can test our bodies with diets and exercise and observe the results. Each of us is a beautiful science experiment.

Map of American Obesity from MSN

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

MSN has an online slideshow of a map of the United States showing the obesity rates from 1985 to 2004. You can see it by clicking on the map below:

American Obesity Rates 2004 from MSN

The problem that I have is that this information is presented as fact when the map was created using questionable data:

  • In 1998, the CDC changed the BMI numbers corresponding to obesity. With a change in accounting, suddenly the United States became “fatter.”

  • The CDC is based on self-reported height and weight collected through telephone surveys rather than actually weighing people. Not only is this data based on heresay, it is only a measurement of people willing to answer telephone surveys.

In actuality, this map tells me nothing. Is Utah less fat than Texas? I don’t know and I can’t depend on MSN to give me a legitimate answer if they consider the phone surveys from CDC to be “good enough.”

It appears that the major media is really spreading the idea of the Obesity Epidemic. I’m not buying it. I want to eat healthy and exercise so I can live a long time and look good, but I don’t think anyone has been “scared straight” when it comes to eating healthy.

Via: Boing Boing: Animated map of American obesity 1985-2004


Exerting Control

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

Bingeing isn’t always about exerting control over my life. Sometimes it’s about comfort. Sometimes it’s about protection. I have found other ways to give myself protection and comfort, but I have been pretty clueless about the fact that I binge when my life feels out of control.

The worst part of it is bingeing makes me feel MORE out of control.

Sure, I feel good when I’m bingeing because I am the one who gets to choose what I eat, not my grandma or the USDA. I get to pick the restaurant. I get to order whatever I want on the menu. When I’m bingeing, I feel a control over myself that is hard to describe.

Unfortunately, afterwards, I feel like my whole life is spiralling even more out of control. When I have to deal with the aftermath of a full stomach and pants that are too snug, my mood darkens and then I find myself bingeing again.

How can I consciously exert control over my life without resorting to food?

I don’t know…

Honestly, I really don’t know, but here are some of my ideas to prevent this type of bingeing in the future:

  • Notice it: Most of the time, I don’t know why I am tempted to binge. Sometimes it’s actual hunger, believe it or not. Sometimes I’m thirsty. Sometimes I’m sad. Sometimes I feel threatened. Now, I have to add “Do I feel out of control in my life?” to the list. The list I have to go through before I binge is getting longer and longer as I discover all the reasons I turn to food inappropriately.

  • Create a list: I need a list of things that I can do to exert control over my life. Some ideas: cleaning up the clutter, organizing my computer, cleaning out my email inbox, or creating simplicity in my home. It doesn’t need to be as labor intensive as all that, even. It could be as simple as being able to choose which movie I want to watch without having to think about the tastes of others.

  • Exert Control on My Life Without Food: This is the part that’s hard. It’s easy to have a list of things to do. Eventually, it might even be easy to recognize that the reason I want to binge is because I’m feeling out of control in my life. The hard part is actually doing it. Consciously choosing to exert control on my life without resorting to bingeing is the choice that will make the difference between hovering near obesity and enjoying life at a healthy weight.

When I learned that bingeing was related to comfort, I lost about five pounds and they have never come back. When I learned that bingeing was related to protection, I lost about twenty pounds and they have never come back. Now that I am able to see that bingeing can also be about control, maybe I’ll be able to get my weight down to a healthy weight and never have to worry about it coming back.

Food as Power

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Once again, Terry nails a food issue on the head. This entry, “Food as Power,” talks about some news events in which parents have starved their children:

For all those parents out there thinking about putting your overweight child on a diet, consider this:

“I’d be willing to bet that every fat person has been put on a diet by a parent at some time in their youth. Someone else decides what you’re allowed to eat, someone who withholds anything forbidden and doles out everything else on a schedule. Food becomes a battle, with the adult, who holds all the power, on one side and the child on the other. All control is taken from the child, leading to resentment and secret binges. The plan seldom works for this reason.”

Terry goes on to say that food is ultimately about power. Parental power over children. Familial power over siblings. Our power over ourselves.

“In all facets of our lives, food becomes a struggle for power. That’s not just for the overweight. It’s an issue for thin women, too. Food gets separated into categories of virtue and sin, and we monitor our intake as a measure of strength or weakness and fear it having power over us. Our weight is a visible sign of how much self-control we have.”

If you feel out of control in other aspects of your life, does it affect your eating? I’ve noticed that I binge more when my life feels out of control. Being able to eat whatever I want in large quantities seems to give me an illusion of control over the rest of my life. The same has been said for those fighting with anorexia. Refusing food gives them a sense of control in their lives.

So, the question for me is:

What can I do to exert control over my life that doesn’t involve food?

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