
Question of the Week: What Is Your Routine?

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Having a routine is very helpful when you are losing weight. Having a set schedule when you know you’re supposed to eat or exercise can reinforce positive behavior. Of course, routine can also make eating healthy difficult if you have negative habits programmed into it.

What is your daily routine?

What are the positive aspects of your routine that make eating healthy and exercising easy?

What are the negative aspects of your routine that make eating healthy and exercising difficult?

What can you do to make your routine more positive and your days run smoother?

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


Is Soy Really All That Good For You?

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Soy, like in tofu and soy sauce, has been a large element in the Asian diet for centuries, but soya, a soy-based additive hasn’t. Soy has been touted to alleviate diseases and provide healthy protein. You may not even realize which of your foods it has been added to, but is this the best thing? Felicity Lawrence investigates:

Remember, the closer food is to its natural state, the better. Soy beans (edamame) are an excellent source of protein. Soy added to your granola bar? That’s a little more questionable. Go for the fresh and natural version and you’ll eat healthier with less worries.

Via: How healthy is soy? – Slashfood


Sugarhouse Walk: Another Walking Video

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I have just finished filming the Sugarhouse Walk Video. Just like the Swami’s Beach Walk Video, this is a different kind of exercise video where there is no coach talking or irritating music. It’s just a walk around the historic Sugarhouse shopping district and Fairmont Park.

This video is WAY better than the Swami’s Beach Video, though. I had some people complain about the video quality and motion sickness on the Swami’s Beach Video. Since then, Mike got a new camera and it turns out to be an excellent choice for filming these walking videos. The anti-shake is so good that Mike said, “This video didn’t make me sick. I stopped watching it because I got bored.”

With a recommendation like that, how could you resist?

This video is almost three minutes long and shows some of the highlights of the video:

Click here to see the video

You can see the route I walked here:

Click here to go to the map on GMap Pedometer

Total Mileage: 2.18 miles
Average Speed: 2.8 mph
Time: 47:00 Minutes

Another great addition to this video is that it has a DVD menu just like a “real” DVD. You can start the video at the beginning, or you can choose your workout duration (47, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15 or 10 minute durations). While you’re watching the video, you can skip ahead using your DVD remote.

This time, I tested the video on the treadmill AND the exercise bike before posting it here. It works great with both because I consciously avoided walking on grass or over areas that a bike couldn’t go. When I exercised with this video on the exercise bike, it felt like I was riding my bike on a steep incline because I was going so slow. It actually worked for me and I wished that I could steer my handlebars in response to the turns.

Just like before, I’m offering this workout DVD for $5 plus shipping.

Order Starling Fitness Walking Videos Here


BRAVO Has A New Show: Work Out

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

I heard about Workout back in May, but I forgot about it until now. On a lark, I looked for it again and Bravo has a whole website devoted to the show now including little workout videos:

Click here to access the Bravo Workout Videos

The show itself appears to be a soap opera/reality series that takes place in a trendy gym in Los Angeles. I’m excited to see it. I’ve already missed two episodes, so I need to find those reruns if possible. For now, there are several little fitness tips on the Bravo website to enjoy!

Have any of you seen this show yet? Is it worth watching?

Have Dinner and a Roll in the Grass!

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Ballard Street: 07-27-06

I want to go to Sammy’s Supper Club! Not only do I get to eat; I get a little exercise afterwards!

I love Ballard Street comics. Jerry Van Amerongen has such an inventive imagination. I would have never thought about rolling around in the grass after a meal. It sounds like such a fun thing to do and the people in his comics are enjoying it so much.

Next time you enjoy a meal, remember this couple and think of something active that would be fun after dinner.

Click here to see this and other Ballard Street comics:


The Unapologetic BK Quad Stacker

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

The BK StackerBurger King has just announced their newest burger, the BK Quad Stacker. Four hamburgers, four slices of cheese, eight strips of bacon and almost a day’s worth of calories in just one sandwich. In a rare show of corporate honesty, Burger King announced the burger with the following statement:

“We’re satisfying the serious meat lovers by leaving off the produce and letting them decide exactly how much meat and cheese they can handle.”

The burger sounds like a challenge, not a meal. Some have supposed that this might open up Burger King to obesity lawsuits, but the Accidental Hedonist disagrees:

I totally agree with what he says about these fast food restaurants.

“I, for one, am glad to see fast food restaurants being unapologetic for their products. By being clear on who they are and what they sell, it makes it easier for me to decide whether or not I visit their establishments. That I choose not to is worth noting, but only if you keep in mind that I don’t really fit into their core demographics.”

I don’t think we need to legislate food to keep ourselves healthy. As long as we have the nutrition facts for the food we eat, the choice is ours. I don’t want the government trying to protect me from myself. I just want the data about the food I eat.

First Glance: Nike+iPod

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Connect the receiver to the bottom of the iPodMy Nike+iPod finally came in the mail on Tuesday evening at 8:30 pm. I was so excited, I made Mike download the new iTunes and iPod software, so I could calibrate my Nike+iPod that very evening.

The Nike+iPod consists of two items: one sensor that attaches to your shoe (a little red and white pod) and a receiver that attaches to your iPod (the white box at the bottom of my iPod). The sensor is meant to fit inside a special pocket in Nike shoes, but you can use it with any shoe if you purchase a Shoe Wallet. Here is a picture of me putting the sensor into the Shoe Wallet.

Put the sensor in the Shoe WalletI was worried about the sensor and whether it would read accurately in the Shoe Wallet instead of being in the overpriced Nike running shoes. Fortunately, the software allows you to calibrate it. I got on a treadmill, walked .25 miles and calibrated it for walking. Then I did the same thing with running. It worked pretty well and after taking it on my first run, it looks like it’s pretty accurate. It said I ran 1.39 miles and Google Maps Pedometer says it was 1.27 miles. The difference of 0.12 miles isn’t going to make or break me, but I would like to see if I can get it to be a little more accurate. After a few more runs, I should be able to tell you more about the accuracy.

The Shoe Wallet is secure and doesn't flop around.I was also worried that the Shoe Wallet would flop around and be a distraction on my foot, but it was secure. It stayed in place during the run and I didn’t even notice it there. I bought two, in fact, so my shoes could match. I put my house key in the other one, so all I needed to carry was the iPod.

While you’re running you can press the middle button anytime to hear how far you’ve gone and how long you’ve run. I chose the female voice. She doesn’t sound computerized at all, which is a benefit. She reminds me a little bit of the Star Trek computer voice. All those statistics (distance, time, and pace) are shown on the iPod screen in addition to the name and artist of the song playing. I really only pressed the middle button once to hear the stats. It was so much easier for me to just look at the screen.

The coolest thing about this whole thing, though, is the software on Nike.com that keeps track of all my runs. Here is a screen shot of my runs:

My Runs on Nike.com

Since I’ve only gone on one run, it doesn’t have a lot to show, but I found it so pleasing to see it on the screen after doing my run. I was very skeptical of an online system to keep track of my runs. It kind of bugs me that I can’t download this data to an Excel spreadsheet, but seeing my information on the screen still gave me the positive reinforcement that I crave when I’m exercising regularly.

When I logged onto Nike.com on Tuesday night before I even started running with the Nike+iPod, the first thing I noticed was the section called My Goals:

My Goals on Nike.com

It lets you choose a goal based on frequency, speed, distance or calorie expenditure. I saw the phrase “More Often” and it was exactly what I needed. Even though I have a race coming up, I have been slacking off on my running. I really want to start running again regularly and this software knows exactly how to do it for me. I am one run into making my goal and I feel so proud of that little green bar.

When I finally do complete that first goal I’ve set, it will show up here, in the trophy case.

The Trophy Case on Nike.com

This is where all my best times will be recorded. Since I’ve only done one run, the totals are not impressive at all, but I can’t wait to beat those times and distances.

The Nike.com website really understands how to make running like a video game. Beating my high score can keep me playing a video game far past my bedtime. Beating my best time or longest distance is a way for running to become more like play and less about drudgery. I’m excited to see how this affects my running over the next few months.


Cupcakes: The New Food Fad

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

Cupcake photo via Flicker: Click here to see more

For a while now, cupcakes has been the new food fad. Specialty shops in New York and Los Angeles create elaborate cupcakes that are more a work of art than a treat. The cupcake fad hasn’t hit Salt Lake City yet. I’m sure in a year or two, it will be the “new” thing to hit our town and all the local bakeries will start specializing in designer cupcakes.

Part of me is torn when I see beautiful food like this. It’s so pretty and all the food weblogs are talking about “amazing” cupcakes from Bristol Farms. It makes me feel left out in a way. People are experiencing something that I would have to travel to just see. I want to eat this pink cupcake just because I can’t eat this pink cupcake.

This has nothing to do with sustenance and EVERYTHING to do with hunger. My desire for this cupcake isn’t about a tasty treat. It’s about wanting to fit in. It’s about wanting to be cool. It’s about getting what is denied me.

How much of eating is about feeding my body? I’m beginning to learn that I eat for almost every reason EXCEPT to feed my body.

How Do You Comfort Yourself Without Food?

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Terry has been finding other ways to give herself comfort instead of food.

She has thought of some things that never occurred to me.

“I’m trying to find things that make me feel good but which don’t involve food. Strawberry-scented Glade candles, extended exercise for the endorphine rush and my rocking chair are my current favorites. I re-read beloved novels. I put lotion on my legs and arms.”

I love the thought of putting on lotion when I need comfort. So many times I need a hug, not food. What better way to give myself comfort than to take care of my skin?


Carson Daly Weight Loss

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

Carson Daly Before and After Weight Loss

Another star in the red-hot spotlight right now is Carson Daly. He has lost a substantial amount of weight and the gossip rags are making fun of him using the word “Manorexia.” Not too long ago, they made fun of him saying that he was too fat and now they rail on him for being too thin.

This is how life is if you decide to lose weight to please others. There is no such thing as a happy medium when someone else is obsessed with your weight. If you are dealing with someone who says disparaging comments about your weight, remember what Carson Daly is dealing with. No matter what he does, the gossip mongers will say something bad about his body. There is no pleasing people like that.

Deciding to lose weight to stop the disrespectful comments from negative people around you is the WRONG reason to start eating healthy. Concentrate on surrounding yourself with positive people who make you feel good about your body. Trying to please the negative people will only end up in the “now you’re TOO skinny” backlash.

Via: A Socialite’s Life: Carson Daly and Carson Daly Gallery

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