
Accomplia Failure Blamed on Study Participants

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

If you read this article, it is written in such a way that the fact that study participants quit the study is because “Dieters Don’t Have Staying Power” not because of the side effects of the medication.

I am boiling mad right now because of this article. How many times are the patients going to be blamed when a medication makes them so nauseated that they want to quit the study? The media wants you to think that people who are overweight are too lazy to even finish a two-year study. Don’t believe them.


3 Responses to “Accomplia Failure Blamed on Study Participants”

  1. Jim Says:

    Once again, the RIO-North America trials confirm a disturbing amount of psychiatric disorders. And even the medpage brief says “there are no data on these dropouts”. As you know – I have some “data” – and it’s not pretty.

    I think the drug has not quite turned out as expected. Let’s sit back and watch how the spin plays out.

  2. patty jones Says:

    can someone please fill me in on this drug, deos it cause psychiatric disorders?

  3. JoAnn Says:

    Can anyone tell me of a drug that does NOT cause some type of side effect?????? There is NO such thing as the perfect drug! Come on….There are so many obese people in the world…some of which will probably die from being obese anyway…

    I would like to know who and where is the “Drug God” that says, all right…. time to bring this to the public?????

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