
Thinspiration or Anorexic Porn? I Can’t Tell…

By Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am — Filed under:

I found this video on YouTube and I was strangely inspired by it. It shows images of starkly thin girls and peppers in a few quotes and advice.

The advice and quotes were both helpful and disturbing to me.

  • Eat less, weigh less, fail less, feel less This one was disturbing. I don’t want to FEEL less. If anything, I feel as if I’m wrapped in cotton when I’m fat. I want to feel MORE.
  • Eat slower, full faster That’s true. I wish I could learn how to slow down my eating.
  • Eat only when needed. Occupy your mind This one was helpful. I tend to eat when I get bored. It really helps me to keep busy.
  • Don’t do anything today that you’ll regret tomorrow YES! Almost EVERYTHING I’ve done in the past I’ve regretted. I want to stop regretting my decisions about food.
  • Eat on darker colored plates to eat less I have no idea if this is true or not.
  • Take pictures of yourself weekly. Wouldn’t you want to look different every time? Never in my life have I lost weight quickly enough to show progress on a weekly basis. Is this even possible?
  • Drink and eat everything cold to burn calories I’ve heard this before. The difference in calorie burn between cold and hot food/beverages is so minimal that it would have little effect.
  • Anyone can have inner beauty, but a very few can earn real beauty inside as well as out. Problem is, even when I was thin, I never felt beautiful. This one doesn’t really work for me.
  • Every time you say “No, thank you,” you say “Yes, please,” to thin I had never thought of it that way. This just might help me say, “No, thank you,” to my family more often.
  • Every day that you succeed you get one day closer to your goal God, I need to say this to myself EVERY DAY.
  • Do not think of today’s failures, but of the successes that may come tomorrow If I did that, I’d just be dreaming all the time instead of actually doing what I need to do.
  • Thin people look good in any kind of clothes This is something I have told myself over and over, but I don’t really know if it’s true. I keep thinking it will be easier to find clothes I like if I were just thinner, but I don’t really know.
  • Anyone can be thin some aren’t trying hard enough Is this true? Can anyone be thin? I’ve failed so many times that I’m beginning to believe that it might not be true.

More importantly, the girls in that video are SUPER thin, which isn’t my goal. I’d love some HEALTHY thinspiration, but whenever I look for some, all I find are these kind of videos. At least I got a couple of quotes from the video that helped me and I’ll leave the rest of it to the borderline anorexia pile.


One Response to “Thinspiration or Anorexic Porn? I Can’t Tell…”

  1. Jessica Sanders Says:

    Wow, that video is truly disturbing. It’s images like that that made me start my website, and unfortunately women and girls think those images are attractive and attainable. It really bothers me to see stuff like that – thanks for pointing it out!

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