
Quadrathon Rides Through Death Valley

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Quadrathon at Death ValleyStuart and his wife took a ride through Death Valley from Furnace Creek to Badwater.

Riding there was pretty simple, but the ride back was a little more difficult.

The way back was simply that, such is a ‘there and back’ route, this time we had a headwind that while being not overly strong was consistent and so we plodded on, not wanting to provide my wife with the fond memory of seeing my ass disappear over the horizon, I periodically circled back to ride with her and make sure she was ok. To her credit she muscled through the whole ride; although she is the first to admit that it was about 10 miles too long.

It’s always hard to do something active with a family member that is in better shape. Congrats to Stuart’s wife for muscling through the whole ride. The whole Internet is proud of you, babe!

Here is a video that Stuart shot while he was riding into Badwater:

THIS is why we exercise, so we can get to places that we wouldn’t be able to see without the power of our own two legs. The experience of seeing Death Valley in such an intimate way is far more powerful than steaming past it in a car.

By the way, Stuart has started a podcast documenting his training. You can get it here:


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