
SlimQuick Cleanse: Don’t Waste Your Money

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

I found this ad for SlimQuick Cleanse in a magazine a few weeks ago.

SlimQuick Cleanse: Don't Waste Your Money by LauraMoncur from Flickr

It caught my eye because of the fine print. It reads:

Dramatization. The cartoon shown used SlimQuick clease for 7 days to jump start her weight-loss program, then continued to lose weight by adding other SlimQuick products to her diet and exercise routine. Result not typical. Cartoons lose weight easily. Real people require regular exercise and a reduced-calorie diet to lose weight.

It kind of made me laugh, so I decided to look at their ingredients to see if there was anything worthwhile in the product.

SlimQuick Cleanse Ingredients: Selenium, Chronium, Glucomannan, Green Tea Extract, Senna Extract, Ginserg Extract, Lactospore, Chastee Tree Extract, Milk Thistle Extract, Artichoke, Turmeric Extract, Dandelion, Cranberry, Fennel, Peppermint Extract, Caraway, Ginger, Slippery Elm, Bromelain, and Cinnamon.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, many of these ingredients are useless for weight loss and even worse, some are discouraged from use.

Here is the list of common ingredients in weight loss pills from AAFP:

AAFHP Weight Loss Ingredients

The column that you want to look at is Product Efficacy. After looking at all the research, does the product actually help you lose weight? There is only one that has been proven to cause weight loss, ephedra, but it has been pulled from the market because it will kill you. You can find many of the ingredients from SlimQuick Cleanse on that list, but none of them have been proven to help you lose weight.

The truth about SlimQuick Cleanse isn’t hidden. It’s right on the advertisement in small print:

Real people require regular exercise and a reduced-calorie diet to lose weight.

Real people do not need expensive pills that haven’t been proven to do anything for weight loss.


3 Responses to “SlimQuick Cleanse: Don’t Waste Your Money”

  1. Renee Says:

    SlimQuick Cleanse Ingredients: Selenium, Chronium, Glucomannan, Green Tea Extract, Senna Extract, Ginserg Extract, Lactospore, Chastee Tree Extract, Milk Thistle Extract, Artichoke, Turmeric Extract, Dandelion, Cranberry, Fennel, Peppermint Extract, Caraway, Ginger, Slippery Elm, Bromelain, and Cinnamon.

    I wouldn’t use any of these new products either but I can say from my own personal experience for health reasons I use many of the herbs that are mentioned in the ingredients above in the form of a tea: dandelion I’ve found excellent for assisting with water retention, ginger great for that bloated feeling, Senna acts like a laxative, cinnamon is good for controlling “bad” bacteria in the body. So, while these herbs might have nothing to do with weight-loss I’ve found them to be great for my health as opposed to all these over the counter products that include ingredients I don’t think should ever be put in the human body. (of course the FDA or authorities are never going to speak against anything that would hinder the pharmaceutical business/money)

  2. Jeanne Mello Says:

    Since when can a cartoon lose weight except by the artist making the cartoon slimmer?! The disclaimer shows a complete dicconnect from reality. And they want people to buy their products?!

  3. iportion Says:

    While the ad is cute and inventive. I’d rather lose with whole foods. It’s cheaper. I know I am not pixie dusting. Pixie dusting using only a little of real ingredients which is legal with supplements that most people don’t get any of the real thing. I can add cinnamon to my oatmeal. I can add ginger to vegetables or baking. Also green tea benefits have yet to be proven over herbal tea. The tea studies were poor at best.

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