
Hot Weather Running

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

It has gotten to that time of the year when I run on the treadmill again. Utah only has about three months of good running weather. Most of the time, it’s either too hot or too cold to run, so I am eternally grateful for the treadmill. Jank over at the Complete Running Network has some tips to beat the heat.

Here is quick rundown of his tips, but he gives you far more details on his entry.

  • Move the runs to the ends of the day
  • Hydrate
  • It’s cool in the shade
  • Cross-Train
  • Psychology
  • Clothing
  • Don’t Chafe
  • Race
  • Take it easy
  • Cut it short
  • Wear sunscreen

I just hide from the sun and run indoors on the treadmill while watching my Starling Fitness DVDs on the television. They fool me into thinking I’m running outdoors until the heat blows over and I can run out in the real outdoors.


2 Responses to “Hot Weather Running”

  1. Adria Says:

    I don’t know what I’m going to do in the winter but during the summer, it’s worked well to run before the sun is up or as it’s setting. It’s nice & quiet, too.

  2. Keith Wakelin Says:


    I have been having a conversation about hot weather running and my buddy who happens to be a doctor, says that running shirtless is better than running with a shirt. I’m not convinced. What is your opinion?

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