
Same Slice, Less Slices

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Many thanks to Slashfood for bringing this to my attention:

Orowheat seems to have released a half loaf of bread. Instead of the nearly two pound loaves of whole wheat and other popular flavors, you can now buy just a handful of slices at a time. These loaves aren’t lacking in anything but the number of slices; the height and width of the bread is the same.

If you have found that you eat less bread now that you’re eating healthy, you probably also have my problem every week. You have to throw away half a loaf of moldy bread. Orowheat is willing to sell me a half a loaf a bread so that I don’t feel guilty for “wasting” food. I’m all for that.

I haven’t seen it in the Salt Lake City grocery stores yet, but I’m eagerly awaiting their arrival!


3 Responses to “Same Slice, Less Slices”

  1. iportion Says:

    Does it cost more for less?

  2. Laura Moncur Says:

    I don’t know. I haven’t seen them in my grocery stores yet. I’ll post here when I see them. If you see them before me, you do the same, okay?

  3. judy wyatt Says:

    I keep sliced bread in the freezer in a freezer baggie. It’s easy to pry off a couple of slices with a knife and pop them into the toaster. I have also made sandwiches with frozen bread early in the morning, and several hours later everything is defrosted and ready to eat for lunch.

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