
Mini Cupcakes

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Photo via ljc at Flicker

When I went to Weight Watchers regularly, there was a muffin recipe that made the rounds. It was basically a chocolate cake mix, water and a bunch of Fiber One cereal added to increase the fiber and bring down the Points level. It also made the muffins taste horrible. I was so desperate to eat sweets by the time I encountered that recipe, that I lived on those chocolate muffins for awhile. I knew they weren’t good, but they weren’t “forbidden” so I was happy to eat them.

What I really wanted was a cupcake, but I ate horrible fiber muffins instead.

That is everything that is wrong with what goes on in my mind when I’m dieting. It happened to me when I was on Weight Watchers, but it wasn’t their fault. It was something that clicked and changed in my mind. As long as I lived under the motto of “I can eat anything I want, just not everything I want,” I was fine. The minute I started categorizing food as good and bad, I started to have troubles.

WearEver Commerical Bakeware Mini-Muffin 24 CupWhat I should have done instead of eating horrible fiber muffins was make some mini-cupcakes. They now have mini-cupcake pans like this one from WearEver and even mini-cupcake foil liners. Since a tiny cupcake like that is probably 150-250 calories, it wouldn’t overload my eating for one day if I eat one. I could even make them beautiful like the big cupcakes.

It has taken me years to realize that the best road to eating healthy is the one that lets me enjoy the foods that I love. When I want a cupcake, a fiber muffin is just going to make me feel deprived. When I want a cupcake, I should eat a cupcake! If I don’t, I’ll eat fifteen cupcakes in one sitting in a couple of months. Is that better?


7 Responses to “Mini Cupcakes”

  1. Mike Says:

    So you’re going to make 24 cupcakes, eat one, and leave the remaining 23 uneaten in the kitchen?

  2. Laura Moncur Says:

    What to do with the remaining 23 cupcakes is a story for another day, but here are a couple of quick thoughts on the subject:

    1. Only mix up and bake three or four at a time.

    2. Freeze the remaining cupcakes without frosting. Defrost small batches at a time.

    3. Give them away.

    4. THROW them away. Shocking, I know… This one is hard for me because I starved so much as a child.

    Do any of you out there have any more ideas?

  3. iportion Says:

    I never tried the fiber one muffins they sound a bit gross.

    Try mini cup cakes they will be less calories than 150 Choco cake mix with 2 eggs or 1 or 2 egg whites 1/2 cup water and a 15 ounce can of pumpkin

    Bake as directed making sure they come out clean with a tooth pick

    Icing light cool whip with sugar free pudding mix in a mixer. (It tastes a lot better than it sounds)

  4. iportion Says:

    If you leave most of them uniced you can freeze cup cakes for 2 to three weeks in a freezer bag. I am not sure is iced cupcakes would freeze so well.

  5. nato Says:

    I’ve done the pumpkin method as well, but with no eggs or water…turns out quite tasty with a little ff cool whip on top….another good sweet treat is peanut butter chocolate chip rice cakes with a dab of ff cool whip on top…1 pt per

  6. dshep Says:

    Of course there are brownies made with applesauce instead of oil… I used to think if I was craving potato chips I might as well consume the full fat variety. Now I’ve grown accustomed to the low fat or baked and like milk, I don’t enjoy going back to the fattier versions enough to make them worthwhile. If only I could do that with sweets.

    I’ve put in about 7 or 8 stints as a regular at Weight Watchers over the past 5 or 6 years. It is a healthy plan in terms of food but it gets me so focused on food that I begin to feel deprieved and turn to the ‘bad’ side or fall off the WWWagon to compensate.

    My conclusion is that eating habits and choices are in the mind. People don’t always eat because they are physically hungry. There is heart hunger and head hunger. If you eat to satisfy all three you’ll likely be over weight unless you’re blessed with a speedy metabolism. “Life is Hard, Food is Easy” by Linda Spangle does a good job defining them. It is for sale on Amazon.

  7. Megan Says:

    What a great idea! I think I need to go buy some mini muffin tins. So often, I don’t eat when I want treat & then I feel deprived.

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