
Archimage Creates a Healthy Eating Video Game

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

Archimage is trying to teach young adults and teens the importance of eating healthy and getting exercise by incorporating those ideas into their new video game: NanoSwarm. Here is a preview trailer for the video game.

Click here to see the video

I couldn’t help noticing that they gave me the perfect evaluation in the dialogue of the game:

“It’s bad. It’s bad as I’ve ever seen it.”
“How bad?”
“End of the world bad.”

I like to say that this video game will help kids eat healthier and choose exercise, but with writing like this, I wonder if they’ll be able to stomach the game enough to learn anything. Kids are incredibly good at spotting baloney. This videogame might set off that baloney-detector and sit unplayed in the cabinet under the television set.

Via: Video games for healthy eating – Slashfood


3 Responses to “Archimage Creates a Healthy Eating Video Game”

  1. Megan Says:

    I love that there is a video game out there like this, but, seriously, this is going to be one of those games that only the geeky kids have, because their parents won’t buy them the popular games. Even so, if it only changes one kid, it’s worth it.

  2. PopFitnez Says:

    Megan has a point, but I am happy to see some new and creative ways to get the message across.

  3. www.iportion.com Says:

    I can’t play the video. My machine it sounds fun but what about more games that have exercise while your doing it.

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