
Salt Lake City Gets Fit Together

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm — Filed under:

Click to see full size mapI live in Salt Lake City, Utah. They have decided to sponsor a get fit program. It’s not very well organized and it’s kind of silly how they have teams that collect points based on how much you exercise. There’s not really a way to compete individually and it’s all on the honor system.

There is one cool thing about the program, though. They have set up a bunch of walking maps. At various parks across the city, they have set up maps that show the route and how many miles they are:

I have been wishing for this for years. I don’t know why the Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation didn’t have this years ago.

If you have been bored with your walking or running routine, you should look up your local parks and recreation site to see if they have updated their website recently and added something informative like these maps for Salt Lake City.

If not, you can always create your own walking map at a local park using the Google Pedometer.


One Response to “Salt Lake City Gets Fit Together”

  1. VH Melville Says:

    I can’t do anything that structured right now but it sounds like so much fun.

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