
Question of the Week: Motivation

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

What motivates you to eat healthy?

What motivates you to exercise regularly?

Give me a list of five to ten things that make you want to pass by the unhealthy food and get on that treadmill every day.

The Question of the Week is meant to be an Inner Workout for you. Find some time during the week and allow yourself to write the answers to the questions posted. You can write them on paper, on a word processor or here in the comments section. Whatever works for you as long as you do it.

Keep writing until you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before. I’ve also heard that it works to keep writing until you cry, but that doesn’t really work for me. Whatever works for you. Just keep writing until it feels right.


3 Responses to “Question of the Week: Motivation”

  1. Byron Says:
    1. I don’t want to be overweight again.
    2. I like healthy food better anyways.
    3. I absolutely love exercise.
    4. I feel weak and pudgy when I don’t exercise for extended periods of time.
    5. I feel sick when I eat too many bad things.
    6. I find healthy foods more fulfilling.
    7. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I do something I’ve never done before in a workout.
    8. I want to look good naked.
    9. It feeds my ego when I can do something someone else cannot.
    10. I want a good quality of life when I’m old. I don’t want to be walking around with a cane, all bent-over and having to worry about falling and breaking my hip.
  2. VH Melville Says:
    1. I reward myself with gifts for exercise. (This is great for maintenance)
    2. I want my family to see a healthier me and be a good influence.
    3. I do not want diabetes
    4. I don’t want my back to hurt less
    5. My husband makes me feel beautiful no matter but I don’t want to told by the by a clothes don’t come in size. Clothes buying is annoying enough.
    6. I want to be strong.
    7. To make my food preoccupation work for me instead of against me.
    8. I can’t help others eat healthy if they need to lose or gain unless I eat healthy.
  3. Tapati Says:
    1. Heart disease runs in my family; I had my own quadruple bypass at the age of 42. My parents died in their early 50s and I’d like to get past that and see my grandsons grow up.

    2. I feel better if I eat well and exercise.

    3. I enjoy healthy foods now that I’ve recovered from dieting. (The recovery from dieting program is simple: eat only when hungry, eat exactly what you want, stop eating when you are full. Giving myself permission to eat exactly what I wanted helped me abandon the “good” and “bad” food categories and freed me, curiously, to enjoy healthier foods once I no longer associated them with deprivation. I also feel more neutral towards high fat foods now.)

    4. I love the feeling of movement, of walking and seeing new things along the way or of water aerobics and feeling the sensation of silky water against my body.

    5. I want to spend more time with my family and do things with them. If I become more disabled by heart disease I will be limited in my activities with them.

    6. Greater strength, flexibility and balance.

    7. Avoiding the pain of more heart surgeries or angioplasties.

    8. Staying out of the hospital.

    9. Avoiding anemia.

    10. Exercise and good nutrition help me cope with seasonal depression.

    11. Losing weight helps with sleep apnea.

    However, I am not motivated by the artificial standards of beauty in this culture. I am beautiful at any weight.

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