
Emotional Eating

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

This is what bugs me about some weight loss “tips”:

It’s always been there for you, but if you’ve binged until you developed a weight problem… with a friend like food, who needs enemies? When you’re feeling sad or stressed, pick up the phone, e-mail or ICQ a true friend — someone who you know can offer loving support and comfort. Be your own best friend and give emotional eating the cold shoulder!

Emotional Eating is so complicated that a pat answer like getting in contact with a friend isn’t a viable solution. There are so many things that trigger emotional eating. Sometimes, emotional eating can even be caused by being with friends. How would a call to a true friend help you at your next barbeque? In that situation, you’re surrounded by friends and food and every emotion you’re experiencing is telling you to “try some of this” and “just this once” yourself through the party.

Instead of pat answers, a better strategy is to write down a list of all the situations in which you have found yourself overeating in the past. Once you know the sorts of situations that can trigger overeating, come up with a few plans to keep yourself on track. Depending on willpower in those situations isn’t fair. Don’t set yourself up for failure.

Plan what you are going to say and what you are going to eat in each of those emotional eating situations. Go over your plan many times in your mind, rehearsing what you are going to say. Imagine yourself empowered over the food instead of at its mercy. You can do this!


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