

By Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am — Filed under:

For $5.95 a month or $49.95 for a year, myGoals.com will help you get where you want to be by filling your email inbox with reminders. If only it was that simple. I can’t imagine an email that could get in the way of my binges. Instead, I envision that I would be harassed at every turn by myself. I would set up so many goals for myself that I would cringe at the sound of receiving email.

I’ve done this to myself before…

When I got my first Palm Pilot, I set it to give me reminders for everything. It would beep at me when it was time to eat a snack. It would beep at me when I was supposed to be exercising. It would beep at me so often that, years later, I still wince when I hear the sound of a Palm alarm.

I think the real reason this site sounds appealing is that they have pre-made goal plans. They have step-by-step instructions on how to get here from there. Is that what we are missing? The baby steps to get to our goals? I don’t think so. Every health and fitness magazine on the planet has the 10 Secrets of Weight Loss and the 5 Power Moves of Fitness. There is enough legitimate information on how to lose weight and build fitness that we are not at a loss for baby steps.

What we are at a loss for is following them. No matter how much we know, it’s hard to make those small steps every day to be healthy. Every day it’s a choice and we either walk toward our goals or slink away from them. I urge you to keep going. So, you didn’t exercise this morning. That’s ok. Just find 15 minutes to take a walk. Something is better than nothing. So, you ate half a package of Oreos. That’s okay. Throw the rest of them away and start fresh from that point on. Half a binge is better than a full one.

If you really want constant reminders for your goals, set them up for yourself using MS Outlook. The task list and calendar are great tools for this. You don’t need a company that will badger you with constant messages. You just need to follow the baby steps every day. You can do it for yourself and best of all, it’s free!


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